Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lucky Stick

The background behind lucky stick.  We had mice downstairs and killed about 13 of them with mouse traps
but we also had sticky pads and the very last mouse that was caught downstairs was lucky stick and was the
Only one that got caught on the sticky pad.  He is just a baby, their was no way I could let him die from being stuck on the sticky pad so I ended up saving his life and kept him as my pet =)


Taxi is a turtle that I have had since I was little, I dont remember a moment without her! I actually was the one who named her, my parents say.  I love her alot and Hopefully will have her for a long time!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big Bubba

Big Bubba is a frog I raised from a tadpole! Caught from willard bay,  he used to have two brothers(maybe sister in their) before he ate them.  He is an amazing eater!  He honestly could eat everyday, if I let him.


Kaya is my brand new edition to my family.  I got her for marley to have babies before he dies(getting older) she is skiddish, and small. But eventually she will be very relaxed and loving, I can already see it in her =)


Marley! I love this rat to death!  He is a trouble maker and I swear he has A.D.D but it makes him special! He is very intelligent, and a sweetheart at times.  He is getting to be around 2 years old now so I know his time is getting limited.  Im going to miss him when he finally goes, but ill enjoy him while he lasts! =) PS. His brother from another mother mathers! I miss him alot he was the most well behaved rat I have ever had and for some reason I always knew he was going to die. I had him for about a year before he finally went. RIP MATHERS!